
About Me

I've been building products and applications ranging from simple school works to freelance projects to even complex solutions to business needs. Working both individually and in collaboration with talented people has allowed me to unlock opportunities and experiences while applying my passion for technology. With that, I've grown to like some roles in Tech more than others...

Full-stack Development

Web Applications

Data Science

Machine Learning


Threat protection

Software Architecture

System Design

Personal History

  1. Freelance Developer

    Upwork (Jan 2023 to Present)

    I am currently building my profile in Upwork to attract long-term projects and clients for more professional growth

  2. Freelance Developer

    Fiverr (Jul 2022 to Present)

    I have solidified my presence in Fiverr by offering quality gigs while applying my passion and learning more about programming and product development

  3. Chief Technology Officer

    Teleconsult Startup (Feb 2021 to Feb 2023)

    Lead developer in our teleconsult service, providing remote healthcare using our in-house tools to Filipinos through video consultations and electronic documents.

  4. Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

    University of the Philippines - Diliman (Sep 2020 - Present)

    I'm currently taking my undergraduate degree on the path towards becoming an Engineer! I have always loved working with technology and Electronics Engineering gives me the opportunity to get my hands dirty with both hardware and software